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The Big 6

"The biggest mysteries are those that are waiting to be solved."

Back in our Media and Information Literacy class, we decided to dig deeper into one of its two key concepts. We surfaced what Information Literacy is in one of my previous articles, but it's time to uncover more. We did this with the help of Mark Eisenberg's vodcast about Information Literacy.

There were a lot of points discussed throughout the vodcast, but there are a few highlights. Mark defended the usability of information literacy despite the existence of "more advanced" literacies such as media literacy and technological literacy. He also introduced the Big Six model and its simplified counterpart, Super Three.

The rest are some great stuff. Watching the video will explain more than just writing words. With the video watched and our knowledge heightened, we're going on for another debate.

Any ideas on what the debate would be about?

The Big 6 The Big 6 Reviewed by Fishykek on October 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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