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Traditional vs. New Age: Debate

"There are different sides of the same story. It's up to each to decide which prevails."

Debates. I love debates. They're a mental exercise which helps you think for more than one side at the same time. They also challenge you to have a clear set of messages, which are free from contradictions while making your side look more pleasant, or at least more beneficial, than the opposition. It's not about knowing what's right or wrong. It's about engaging each other with logical arguments to determine which side would prevail.

For the continuation of our lesson, we had a debate. The class was divided into four groups: Traditional, New Age, Controlled Media, and Free Media. I wasn't around for the preparation of the visual aid, which is an infographic. I and my fellow candidates for the Student Council were away to do our room-to-room campaigns, so I didn't get to fully prepare myself before the battle. I was assigned to the traditional group since they lacked a member, contrary to those from the controlled media who wanted to snag me in for a powerful arsenal.

Before the start of the debate, I had to quickly scan what my groupmates have prepared beforehand, so that I wouldn't aimlessly throw arguments around. We devised our own strategy and approach. I made sure that everyone wouldn't throw out half-baked statements that could be used against us. Each and every point that we have to make has to be firm and concise. Throwing in long statements would be a bore to the audience, anyway.

Everyone took turns in explaining their side. Both sides of the argument have made splendid opening statements. It was then up to how we furnish and arrange our questions to gain the upper hand. We took around thirty minutes to finish the debate, to give time for the second batch. The debate was heated, yet everyone kept their ground and avoided attacking the opposition through personal means. The second half was a disaster. It wasn't exactly a healthy discourse, as both sides were destructive and rash in providing statements. They frequently danced out of the topic, and it was frustrating to spectate.

I learned how my classmates interact in a debate. Some attempt to provoke others to put them off guard. Others were respectful and were civil. Not everyone had fun, but I had a blast. We settled the similarities and differences of traditional media to new media, and controlled media to free media.

With the debates at an end, there's no knowing what's next. Everyone has to chill down for a while, though.
Traditional vs. New Age: Debate Traditional vs. New Age: Debate Reviewed by Fishykek on October 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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